Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Food price rises

Extraordinary stats on the impact of rising food prices, culled from the government's Food Stats Pocketbook, thanks to @ProfTimLang.

Food prices have risen in real terms by 12% over the last five years, following a long period in which they fell.

*All foods have risen in price since 2007, with rises ranging from 17% to 36%.
*Processed foods have risen the most since June 2007, with a 15% rise in the year to June 2012.
*Fruit prices have risen the second most, by 34% since June 2007, rising steadily each year

Falling income (after housing costs) and rising food prices produced a double effect, reducing food affordability by over 20% for lowest income decile households. Households saved an average of 4% between 2007 and 2010 by trading down to cheaper products.

The main response to higher food prices by low income households has been to buy less. The calorie content of their food purchases (excluding alcoholic drinks) dropped by 9% (quantity in grams by 11%) between 2007 and 2010.

Between 2007 and 2010 low income households bought: 26% less carcase meat, 25% less fruit and 15% less vegetables.

But it's better here than in most of Europe...

*Based on purchasing power parities food and non-alcoholic drinks were 4.4% cheaper in the UK than in France in 2011.
*Alcoholic beverages were 35% more expensive in the UK than in France, with prices in the UK highest in the EU apart from Ireland and the Scandinavian countries.
*Fish was particularly cheap in the UK in 2011 compared to other countries, and 25% cheaper than in France.
*Fruit and vegetables including potatoes were 22% more expensive in the UK than the EU average and 5.8% more than France.
*Within the EU, only Germany, Ireland, Austria and Sweden eere more expensive than the UK for fruit and vegetables.

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